Signature & Disclaimer


Email signature management to easily create uniform and legally compliant company signatures and disclaimers

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Every outgoing email from your company is commercially important and a business card at the same time. A uniform and legally compliant appearance is therefore a basic requirement. Create consistent email signatures and email disclaimers for your entire organization quickly and easily.

Design group-based email signatures and disclaimers that add compliance functions to your external corporate communications and highlight your messages creatively and individually.

Consistent email signature and automatically updated contact information with Signature & Disclaimer

Contact data is up-to-date at all times – thanks to Active Directory

By integrating Active Directory, the signatures of all users are automatically filled with the contact data from the Active Directory profile. Even the smallest adjustments, such as a change of telephone number, are immediately included in the synchronization via LDAP to remain up-to-date.

Professional design of corporate communications

Manage a consistent structure, fonts and formats of your company-wide Signature and Disclaimer signatures on the control panel to ensure a professional look and feel and maintain your corporate design in all outbound email.

All functions of Signature and Disclaimer at a glance – Individual and simple design

Simple and flexible design with WYSIWYG editor

In addition to image files, it is also possible to place links and text formats in the disclaimer at the desired position. In the preview function of the WYSIWYG editor (“what you see is what you get”) you can also check at any time that all of the adjustments are displayed according to your wishes, including for different user groups.

HTML source code import of existing signatures

Import existing disclaimers using the HTML source code. The design, the formatting and the inserted images are preserved in their entirety. The inserted changes can be viewed directly in the editor.

Uncomplicated integration of Active Directory

On the control panel, information from the user’s Active Directory is automatically inserted into the signature or disclaimer created and then attached to the email to be sent.


Advertising banner with extended control

Add original advertising banners to your company-wide email signatures, which you can create as part of a group-based assignment.

Signatures Hornetsecurity

Legal compliance with Signature and Disclaimer

Comply with regulatory requirements: add a legally compliant disclaimer to all signatures in order to comply with mandatory information requirements for email communication. This is the best way to protect the integrity of your company.

Signatures Hornetsecurity

Optimized mobile display

Employees are increasingly using tablets and smartphones for on-the-go professional email communication. It is therefore particularly important to ensure that image files and company logos are displayed correctly on the move. Since the majority of emails sent are based on HTML, mobile email clients can easily display image files. The email signature or disclaimer is added to the email only after it has been sent. Signature and Disclaimer can therefore be used easily with any standard email client.

Secure communication and networking

Place social buttons with links to your company social network pages in every outgoing email and increase your brand awareness.


High flexibility

In addition to integrating existing templates, you can use defined placeholders to design email signatures and disclaimers individually. All relevant Active Directory placeholders are available for this purpose, since synchronization of Signature and Disclaimer is handled via LDAP. In addition, it is possible to set up different disclaimers for any number of domains or groups.

Define and automate

Signatures and disclaimers can be created for each user in the Active Directory and stored for a defined period of time. This can also be done on a group basis.

Integration of Signature and Disclaimer into the email management system

Integration of Signature and Disclaimer into the email management system

On the Control Panel, information from the user’s Active Directory is automatically inserted into the email signature or disclaimer and attached to the email to be sent.

In order to guarantee the functionality and efficiency of Signature and Disclaimer, integration of Spam and Malware Protection is required.



Fact Sheet

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